
Showing posts from June, 2019

Taking the Long Way Around: Becoming a Nurse

The people who helped me through it all! Taking the long way around... it can be challenging, defeating, and also frustrating. Sometimes you don't know what is at the end. You think the end will never come in some cases. You keep going and going and for some reason you just can't figure it out. I am very familiar with this concept. As the title states, I took the long way around to become a nurse. This wasn't by choice I want to emphasizes. If I could have been a nurse two years ago, I would have. But in this blog post, I want share my journey to getting where I did today. In 2014 I graduated from my high school. In my speech, I vividly remember telling the crowd that I was pursuing a career in teaching. This wasn't a lie. I did pursue teaching for a brief period. But if you know anything about Oklahoma, you know that teachers are basically disregarded and left to fend on their own. I wasn't about that life. (This blog is kind of an outlet for my desire

One Year of Marriage and More to Come

Today is the day that my husband and I celebrate our one year anniversary as a married couple. It is so amazing to think about all the years we have spent together growing and learning about each other. For those of you who don't know me personally, we have been together for 8 years. My husband and I attended the same school together all K-12th grade. Pretty crazy! It is also pretty wild that we graduated with 9 people and of those seven other people, our best friends married. I have been asked many times when I knew that he was the one because lets face it, our love story isn't normal in today's age. That question takes me back to fourth grade. One of my bestie's at the time asked me "Hannah, who do you think is the CUTEST boy in our class?" To which I responded, Justin. I had a crush on my husband pretty much from the age where you could formulate crushes. We started dating in 8th grade and haven't looked back since then. Here are some photos of