
Showing posts from May, 2020

Nurse Life: How to Prepare for a 12+ Hour Shift

Preparing for your 12+ hour shift can be such a task. You have to clean your uniforms, prepare you meals, do your nightly ritual all just to mentally and physically prepare for what work may bring you. We all have our own flow with how we prepare for our shifts whether we distinctly know it or not. Today I want to share mine. It’s not too special but I will say it definitely makes or breaks my work day if not done concisely.  It begins with my uniforms. These are most important to my job because it identifies who I am to the patients. I MUST have that. I always make sure they’re clean and ready for the day. I am one of those who has worn the same style of uniforms pretty much from the start of my career in healthcare. I wear a long sleeved under shirt, scrub top, and vest with my scrub pants and compression socks. Might I add, I do feel exposed if any of these pieces are missing. Sounds kind of dorky yes I know but when you work in such a personal environment the last thing