
Showing posts from July, 2020

First Year as a Nurse

Nursing. It has been incredibly rewarding but also quite one of the hardest things I have ever done. No one... not a single soul... goes into nursing realizing that they are about to fight a pandemic within S I X months of being a nurse. Hell... a lot of people would probably change careers. When I tell you, you are mentally and physically drained, I do not make it up. You go about serving others with every inch of your well being trying to make it through the shift without letting someone, not just your patients, but helping other nurses keep everyone afloat. If you’re lucky, you get a great group of nurses around you who are equally passionate about people and helping others which leads you to be even MORE driven to succeed. This past year, I’ve learned a lot about myself and the type of nurse I strive to be. Not everything was what it seemed, it’s definitely not like the movies and I think I’ll survive (Lol). Here’s my highlights!  I had to learn that it’s okay to be wrong.  Nursing