
Showing posts from April, 2019

You Can Be Both, Fashionable and Functional: Nursing School Supplies

Nursing school is expensive. There is always a fee due, a book to be bought, and extra supplies needed. So how can you prevent it from getting out of hand? Hear me out. Quality over quantity. This phrase is over used but for a good reason. Investing in the items you will use all year and possibly after school will save you so much time and effort. You will be SO preoccupied with other school related stressors that you won't want to think twice about purchasing extra scrubs or shoes. I know it may seem like you are getting a good deal when you find a set of scrubs for twenty dollars but think about the wear time those scrubs will give you. In the end you may purchase more than two sets of those scrubs because the quality just isn't there. So here is my two cents on the best supplies to help you survive nursing school.  You don't have to have the nicest stethoscope, but I do recommend at least getting the Littman 3M Lightweight II. This stethoscope provides clear eas

About Me

To think this has been something I’ve wanted to create for some time. Well guess what, I finally did it. Woot woot! Welcome to my blog. I am a 23 year old wife, dog momma and nursing student. The purpose of me creating this blog is to share my life experiences. Between being newly married and trying to survive school, life is just crazy! But, I never want to forget these moments. My Husband and I celebrating Valentines Day I hope to share on this page not only my journey through life but also my love for fashion and food. I may even sprinkle in some fitness posts if I get a wild hair. I also plan to share some of my experiences as a nursing student turned new nurse. I’m no expert in the topics listed above but I’ve definitely learned some lessons in each. If I can provide even a little information for you, I’ll consider it a win. Thanks for checking out my page thus far and I hope you return for my future posts! For more about me check out my Instagram @hannahfranciswright