About Me

To think this has been something I’ve wanted to create for some time. Well guess what, I finally did it. Woot woot! Welcome to my blog. I am a 23 year old wife, dog momma and nursing student. The purpose of me creating this blog is to share my life experiences. Between being newly married and trying to survive school, life is just crazy! But, I never want to forget these moments.

My Husband and I celebrating Valentines Day

I hope to share on this page not only my journey through life but also my love for fashion and food. I may even sprinkle in some fitness posts if I get a wild hair. I also plan to share some of my experiences as a nursing student turned new nurse. I’m no expert in the topics listed above but I’ve definitely learned some lessons in each. If I can provide even a little information for you, I’ll consider it a win.
Thanks for checking out my page thus far and I hope you return for my future posts! For more about me check out my Instagram @hannahfranciswright


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