
Showing posts from July, 2019

Valuable Lessons Learned as a Nursing Assistant

If you have been following my story at all then you would know that this past June, I graduated my licensed practical nurse program. This has been a goal of mine to graduate a nursing program for the past three years. I started my journey to become a nurse back in November of 2015. The past three and a half years, I worked as a nursing assistant/AUA at a hospital focused on cardiac care. I was fortunate enough to work in a critical care unit as well as an intermediate unit where we took care of patients just out of neuro surgeries. For today’s topic, I want to share my experience as an AUA and how it prepared me for becoming a nurse. I do believe this job holds so much value and I really want to highlight just how important the role of the nursing assistant is before becoming a nurse.   My first real job was working in retail as an assistant manager. When comparing my previous job to my nursing assistant job, you wouldn't automatically think they go hand in hand. But the

Products You Need To Try

How many times have you seen a product that peaks your interest and thought to yourself that eventually you will purchase it BUT not now..? I do that often. But occasionally, I find the right reason to finally throw my money at that said item. Well today I want to share with you the items I finally (figuratively that is) threw my money at. Some of them you probably have heard about and others I hope are new to you.  Let's start with something you have definitely heard of. Hulu Live. When my husband and I moved into our home, we bought a cable package. After a year or so of paying ridiculous amounts to the cable company we finally agreed to try Hulu. Most people I know have switched over to Hulu but there are still some people (like my parents) I am trying to convince otherwise. Hulu has most every channel that my husband and I like to watch. There are roughly 65 channels that come without adding on. I will say the one cable channel I do miss is MTV because unfortunately...