
About Me

To think this has been something I’ve wanted to create for some time. Well guess what, I finally did it. Woot woot! Welcome to my blog. I am a 23 year old wife, dog momma and nursing student. The purpose of me creating this blog is to share my life experiences. Between being newly married and trying to survive school, life is just crazy! But, I never want to forget these moments. My Husband and I celebrating Valentines Day I hope to share on this page not only my journey through life but also my love for fashion and food. I may even sprinkle in some fitness posts if I get a wild hair. I also plan to share some of my experiences as a nursing student turned new nurse. I’m no expert in the topics listed above but I’ve definitely learned some lessons in each. If I can provide even a little information for you, I’ll consider it a win. Thanks for checking out my page thus far and I hope you return for my future posts! For more about me check out my Instagram @hannahfranciswright

First Year as a Nurse

Nursing. It has been incredibly rewarding but also quite one of the hardest things I have ever done. No one... not a single soul... goes into nursing realizing that they are about to fight a pandemic within S I X months of being a nurse. Hell... a lot of people would probably change careers. When I tell you, you are mentally and physically drained, I do not make it up. You go about serving others with every inch of your well being trying to make it through the shift without letting someone, not just your patients, but helping other nurses keep everyone afloat. If you’re lucky, you get a great group of nurses around you who are equally passionate about people and helping others which leads you to be even MORE driven to succeed. This past year, I’ve learned a lot about myself and the type of nurse I strive to be. Not everything was what it seemed, it’s definitely not like the movies and I think I’ll survive (Lol). Here’s my highlights!  I had to learn that it’s okay to be wrong.  Nursing

Nurse Life: How to Prepare for a 12+ Hour Shift

Preparing for your 12+ hour shift can be such a task. You have to clean your uniforms, prepare you meals, do your nightly ritual all just to mentally and physically prepare for what work may bring you. We all have our own flow with how we prepare for our shifts whether we distinctly know it or not. Today I want to share mine. It’s not too special but I will say it definitely makes or breaks my work day if not done concisely.  It begins with my uniforms. These are most important to my job because it identifies who I am to the patients. I MUST have that. I always make sure they’re clean and ready for the day. I am one of those who has worn the same style of uniforms pretty much from the start of my career in healthcare. I wear a long sleeved under shirt, scrub top, and vest with my scrub pants and compression socks. Might I add, I do feel exposed if any of these pieces are missing. Sounds kind of dorky yes I know but when you work in such a personal environment the last thing

Recent Amazon Purchases You NEED

I for one am addicted to Amazon. I will search any and everything on Amazon simply because you can find literally anything on it. I used to be hardcore against online shopping but here lately I've noticed it is such a huge stress relief to just Prime anything I need. Yes, I am at this point where "Prime" can be used as a verb. I have also come to notice that if a product I have used from a store isn't on Amazon, they offer something similar typically with thousands of positive reviews. So here I am today, to offer up some of my most favorite recent purchases.  Underbed storage bags First off are these underbed storage bags. I will be the first one to point out my love (possible addiction) to clothing. These are a life saver because I so graciously gave my husband our bedroom closet and took the smaller closet and these allow me to store clothing and shoes under our bed. Seriously cannot beat the price on these either. $13.99 for a set of two. The quality

Christmas Wish List

First off, yes you can be 24 years old and have a wish list. Just saying. Secondly, I personally enjoy seeing what others have on their wish list because sometimes I learn about something I would like from those lists. That is why I am writing about my wish list today. It may seem absurd to some of you, but when it comes to gift giving, I am not one to be pumped about receiving gift cards. I personally enjoy the thought and the consideration of a physical gift. Although you are asking for something specifically, it does not mean you only want that item you listed. I am also someone who feels blessed when someone goes out of their way to be creative and find something they think I would enjoy. So what I am getting at is surprises are great too. But as stated above, there are some things that I would personally enjoy owning and people (my mom) always want to know what I would like to receive.  The first item on my wish list is a personalized image of what the stars looked like

Holiday Gift Guide: For Your Loved Ones

Buying gifts for your loved ones can be a real challenge year after year, especially as we all grow older. It's easy to become complacent and buy the same ole thing you did last year for the simple fact that it's full proof. I hope I can help you today with some fresh new ideas.  My mom is a pretty easy person to shop for. She loves sentimental, corny, self care, and kitchen gadget gifts. Pretty much anything you can really think of she'd probably be happy to receive. One of her tried and true gifts is shampoo and conditioner. Now we aren't buying her like Suave or Dove (lol) but instead we get her favorite Biolage Matrix Colorlast. This hair duo cost $38.00, unless you can find a deal, for the 13.5 ounce bottles. I can personally attest that this brand is awesome. I have been using the same duo along with the shine spray recently and the results are simply amazing.  Some other great gift ideas for moms (like mine) are kitchen gadgets. There is always a new k

Valuable Lessons Learned as a Nursing Assistant

If you have been following my story at all then you would know that this past June, I graduated my licensed practical nurse program. This has been a goal of mine to graduate a nursing program for the past three years. I started my journey to become a nurse back in November of 2015. The past three and a half years, I worked as a nursing assistant/AUA at a hospital focused on cardiac care. I was fortunate enough to work in a critical care unit as well as an intermediate unit where we took care of patients just out of neuro surgeries. For today’s topic, I want to share my experience as an AUA and how it prepared me for becoming a nurse. I do believe this job holds so much value and I really want to highlight just how important the role of the nursing assistant is before becoming a nurse.   My first real job was working in retail as an assistant manager. When comparing my previous job to my nursing assistant job, you wouldn't automatically think they go hand in hand. But the

Products You Need To Try

How many times have you seen a product that peaks your interest and thought to yourself that eventually you will purchase it BUT not now..? I do that often. But occasionally, I find the right reason to finally throw my money at that said item. Well today I want to share with you the items I finally (figuratively that is) threw my money at. Some of them you probably have heard about and others I hope are new to you.  Let's start with something you have definitely heard of. Hulu Live. When my husband and I moved into our home, we bought a cable package. After a year or so of paying ridiculous amounts to the cable company we finally agreed to try Hulu. Most people I know have switched over to Hulu but there are still some people (like my parents) I am trying to convince otherwise. Hulu has most every channel that my husband and I like to watch. There are roughly 65 channels that come without adding on. I will say the one cable channel I do miss is MTV because unfortunately...